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Code Compliance

The following info comes directly from the State of Wisconsin and is not associated with Cellevator LLC

Department of Safety and Professional Services
1400 E Washington Ave. Madison WI 53703
Mail to: Industry Services Division
Elevator (Conveyance) Safety Program 141 NW Barstow St, 4th Floor Waukesha, WI. 53188-3789

Email: Web:

Two-Way Voice Communication in Passenger Elevators and Vertical Platform Lifts

Date: 9-12-2017


This document describes the Wisconsin Administrative Code requirements for telephones in passenger elevators and vertical platform lifts in buildings other than single or two-family dwellings. It is intended to address the most common issues such as whether a two-way voice communication device is required, the type of device that is required, how the device is to make calls and how and where calls are to be answered.

Requirements for communication in elevators and lifts have changed considerably over the years due to changes in the adopted national standards often as a result of changes in technology. Codes have also changed in response to cases of passenger entrapments and increased recognition of the needs of the elderly and persons with disabilities when using elevators and lifts without assistance.

Applicable Wisconsin Administrative Codes and Statutes

Wisconsin DSPS Administrative Code Ch. SPS 318, Elevators, Escalators and Lift Devices.

Previous DSPS, Comm (Dept. of Commerce), ILHR (Dept. of Industry, Labor and Human Relations) and Ind (Industrial Commission) codes in effect when the elevator, platform lift or two- way communication device was installed.

Adopted ASME A17.1 / CSA B44 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators – currently the 2013 edition (referred to here as A17.1).

Adopted ASME A18.1 Safety Standard for Platform lifts and Stairway Chairlifts – currently the 2011 edition.

Adopted ICC / ANSI A117.1 American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities – currently the 2003 edition.

Current Requirements

Note: These are the current requirements. Codes in effect at the time a means of signaling or communication was installed in an elevator or lift may differ. See the code in effect at that time. A partial list is in Appendix A.

The adopted A17.1, section 2.27.1 addresses two-way communications. Most of the A17.1 code is written in prescriptive language, including the code requirement and how it is to be measured or achieved. The section of the code addressing emergency communications is written in performance language, that is, it describes the required outcome but not necessarily how it must be achieved.

The national standard in effect for accessible and usable buildings and facilities is the ICC / ANSI A117.1. This includes additional requirements for use of buildings and elements by persons with a wide range of abilities.   If there is a system or device that can meet the requirements of both the A17.1 and the ICC / ANSI A117.1, the system or device may be used. The requirements have changed over the years with the current requirements summarized as follows (see each code section referenced for exact code language and details):

    1. The device must be activated by one push button. The device may not use a handset.
      A17.1, (b) and (g)

    1. Accessing or operating the button must be performed using one hand without requiring tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate shall be 5.0 lbs maximum. Note: At one time elevator telephone cabinets having a heavily spring-loaded door with a very small handle were common. This requirement prohibits locating a new emergency telephone in a cabinet with such a door.
      ICC / ANSI A117.1, 309.4.

    1. The button must be located in or adjacent to the car operating panel. The highest operable part must be between 35″ and 48″ above the elevator or vertical platform lift floor.
      A17.1, (b) and ICC / ANSI A117.1, 407.4.10.1.

    1. The button must be identified as “PHONE” using tactile characters and symbols. Operating instructions must be included.
      A17.1, (b) and (i) and ICC / ANSI A117.1, 407.4.10.2.

    1. Actuating the device must initiate a call for help and establish two-way voice communication with authorized personnel who can take appropriate action. The device may not reach an answering system.
      A17.1, (a) and (b) and (h).

    1. If the device does not reach authorized personnel within 45 seconds, the call must automatically be directed to another on- or off-site location to reach authorized personnel.
      A17.1, (b).

Note: By combining the information in 5). and 6)., it is acceptable for the device to reach an automated system as long as the device reaches authorized personnel within 45 seconds.

    1. The two-way voice communication means must provide the authorized personnel with the location of the building, the elevator (or lift) number (or location) and a request for assistance. Note: This is typically on a message recorded in the telephone and played for the authorized personnel once the call is answered.
      A17.1, (d).

    1. The authorized personnel must activate a visual indication on the “PHONE” panel in the elevator or platform lift acknowledging that the call has been established. Note: This is mainly for the benefit of the hearing impaired.
      A17.1, (c).

    1. After the call has been established and the acknowledgement sent to the car or platform, two- way voice communication shall be available between the car or platform and the authorized personnel.
      A17.1, (e).

    1. The two-way voice communications shall be ended only when the authorized personnel terminate the call or after a minimum of 3 minutes.  See this section for details.
      A17.1, (f).

    1. The visual indicator described in 8). above may be extinguished only after the two-way voice communication is terminated.
      A17.1, (c).

    1. For elevators only (not required for vertical platform lifts) a means shall be provided to verify the operability of the means of two-way voice communications. The verification must occur automatically and at least daily.
      A17.1, and SPS 318.1802(10)

13 a). For elevators having travel of less than 60 feet and for vertical platform lifts, any need to re-establish two-way voice communication once a call has been terminated is only required to be available to persons in the elevator or lift.

13 b). For elevators having travel of 60 feet or more, a means must be provided for emergency personnel within the building to establish two-way voice communication to each elevator individually. This must occur without action by a person in the elevator. This must override attempts by a person in the elevator to re-establish two-way voice communication to authorized personnel outside the building.

Note: The 60 foot travel is an important distinction. For elevators and platform lifts described in 13 a), there is no requirement for a means to call back into the elevator or platform lift. If two- way voice communication is to be re-established, it is only required to be re-established by a person in the elevator or lift. This makes use of a line-seizure device or similar switching system more likely to comply and makes a dedicated telephone line for the elevator or lift (and associated cost) less likely to be necessary.

For elevators described in 13 b). with travel of 60 feet or more, the need to provide a means for personnel on-site to re-establish voice communication to each elevator may require dedicated telephone lines or other switching means or equipment to allow establishing two-way communication.

Also note, the 60 foot travel limit is not affected by the number of stories or the location of the stories related to grade level for the building or structure. Travel is measured from the lowest landing served to the uppermost landing served.

14). If the means of two-way voice communication is powered by building power, not by telephone line power, the device must transfer to an alternate power supply after normal power fails. Power must be provided to operate the visual indicator addressed in 8) above and the means of two-way voice communication for at least 4 hours.

Note: Codes do not prohibit the use of any particular type of technology. Cellular, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), PBX (Private Branch Exchange), satellite and other technology may be used as long as it meets all the above requirements listed in 1 through 14 and the codes the list is based on.

Authorized Personnel for Answering Passenger Elevator or Vertical Platform Lift Calls

Telephones in elevators and vertical platform lifts to reach persons trained to take appropriate action in an emergency.

In Buildings With 24-Hour Staffing

In buildings where authorized personnel are trained to respond to an emergency in an elevator or vertical platform lift at any time (24 hours/day, 7 days/week including holidays), calls are required to reach those trained individuals. Such authorized personnel are common in hospitals (information desk or building superintendent for example), nursing homes (nurse’s station), hotels (front desk), some office and apartment buildings (security desk) and college campuses and other campuses (campus police or campus security).

In Buildings Without 24-Hour Staffing

In buildings that do not have authorized personnel on site 24 hours/day, 7 days/week including holidays, calls from elevators and vertical platform lifts must reach someone trained to take appropriate action in an emergency. By definition, after hours calls must go to authorized personnel off-site, commonly to a telephone answering service, security company or elevator company.

Elevator or platform lift calls may not go only to an individual or telephone number affiliated with the owner or the organization for multiple reasons.

    1. Individual(s) often at that number may be unavailable at times. This has been suggested where a church has a pastor, caretaker or trustee willing to take such calls. This has been suggested where an apartment building or other building has an on-site or off-site manager. Also, an individual intending to be available 24/7 via a personal cellular telephone or with call forwarding may not always be available, may not have cell service everywhere or may have a discharged battery.

    1. The individual expected to answer all calls from the elevator or lift telephone may be the one stuck in the elevator or lift after hours.

    1. An individual not part of an answering service may be pre-occupied and unable to locate the appropriate elevator personnel to respond appropriately to the call. Code requires the individual answering the call to be able to take appropriate action immediately.

911 or Other Local Emergency Service as Authorized Personnel

A local police or fire department may with permission accept calls from elevator or platform lift emergency telephones. Many local services may accept such calls while others may have an ordinance or policy prohibiting such calls. Permission to direct calls to the local emergency service would include the number the service would require the call to go to. In some communities, calling 911 from an elevator or lift telephone may be a misdemeanor and subject to fines or other penalties.

Appendix A

Wisconsin Elevator Communications History August 12, 1926 – December 31, 2008

For installations of new elevators and lifts or new communication means in existing elevators and lifts, the code requirements on a particular date were in effect until the date of the next code change.

August 12, 1926, Elevator Code Order 475(b):

Every automatic push button elevator shall be provided with an emergency call bell in the caretaker’s office, with a properly placarded push button in the car.

October 1930, Elevator Code Order 475(b):

Every automatic push button elevator shall be provided with an emergency call bell at some point within hearing range of a caretaker, with a properly placarded push button in the car.

September 1944, Elevator Code 475(b)

Every automatic push button elevator shall be provided with an emergency call bell with a properly placarded push button in the car.

April 1957, Ind 4.75(2):

Every automatic push button elevator shall be provided with an emergency call bell with a properly placarded push button in the car.

October 1964, Ind 4.75(2):

Every automatic push button elevator shall be provided with an emergency call bell with a properly placarded push button in the car. This call bell shall not be less than 6″ in diameter located inside the building and audible outside the hoistway. Only one bell is required for a group of elevators if operable from all cars in the group.

October 1976, Ind 4.75(4) New installations:

Elevators which are operated at any time without a designated operator in the car shall be provided with the following signal devices.

  1. In all buildings other than private residences, such elevators shall be provided with signal systems conforming to 1. and 2.

    1. An electric bell operable from the car, not less than 6″ in diameter located inside the building and audible outside the hoistway. Only one bell operable from all cars shall be permitted to be used for a group of elevators.

    2. Means of two-way conversation from each elevator to a readliy-accessible point outside the hoistway.

      1. Exception: Elevators in buildings having a height from the lowest to the highest elevator landing of not more than 70 feet providing the distance between any adjacent landings does not exceed 15 feet.

  1. Exception: When the means of communication with an approved service permits two-way conversation.

  2. The bell and/or means of two-way conversation required by 1. and 2. shall automatically transfer from the normal building power supply to an approved source of emergency power within 10 seconds after the normal building supply power fails. The emergency power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of the bell for at least one hour and the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hours.

  1. Elevators which are not provided with a telephone connected to a central exchange system or internal exchange system which is manned 24 hours a day shall in addition to (a) be provided with at least one of the emergency signal devices specified in 1. or 2.

    1. An electrical alarm bell not less than 6″ in diameter operable from inside the car and enclosed in a weather proof enclosure marked ELEVATOR EMERGENCY – CALL POLICE in letters not less than 2″ high. The alarm bell shall be mounted on the outside of the building near the main entrance and located so that the sign can be read from the adjacent sidewalk. One outside alarm bell operable from all cars shall be permitted to be used for a group of elevators.

    2. Means within the car for communicating with or signaling to a police, fire, security or similar dispatch service which operates 24 hours each day.

    3. An emergency power system conforming to the requirements of (a) 3. shall be provided to supply the bell and / or means of communication specified in 1. and 2.

    4. Exception: Paragraph (b) shall not apply to apartment, hotel or other buildings in which attendants or tenants are continuously in the building and available to take action in case the emergency signal required by (a) is operated.

January 1983, ASME A17.1 (1980), 211.1, Car Emergency Signaling Devices

Elevators shall be provided with the following signaling devices:

  1. In all buildings the elevator shall be provided with the following:

    1. An audible signaling device, operable from the emergency stop switch and from a switch marked “ALARM” which are located in or adjacent to each car operating panel. The signaling device shall be located inside the building and audible inside the car and outside the hoistway. One signaling device may be used for a group of elevators.

    2. Means of two-conversation between each elevator and a readily assessable point outside the hoistway (Telephone, intercom, etc.)

If the audible signaling device, or the means of two-way conversation, or both, are normally connected to the building power supply, they shall automatically transfer to a source of emergency power within 10 seconds after the normal power supply fails. The power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of the audible signaling device for at least 1 hr. and the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hr.

Exception #1, [Ind 4.35(1)]: Elevators having a height from the lowest to the highest landing of not more than 70 feet providing the distance between any adjacent landing does not exceed 15 feet.

Exception #2, [Ind 4.35(2)]: When the means of communication with an approved service permits two-way conversation.

  1. In buildings in which a building attendant, building employee or watchman is not continuously available to take action when the required emergency signal is operated, the elevators shall be provided with one of the following emergency signaling devices:

    1. A telephone connected to a central exchange system.

    2. A weatherproof signaling device with a minimum sound rating of 80 db operated from the alarm switch and the emergency stop switch inside the car and identified “ELEVATOR EMERGENCY – CALL POLICE”, in letters not less than 2 in. high. The device shall be mounted on the outside of the building near the main entrance and located so that the sign can be read from the entrance sidewalk. Only one outside signal is required if operable from all cars of the type specified within the building.

An emergency power system shall be provided conforming to the requirements of Rule 211.1(a).

  1. Means within the car for communicating with or signaling to an approved emergency service which operates 24 hours each day.

August 1988, ASME A17.1, 211.1 (1984), Car Emergency Signaling Devices (no changes to these requirements in ILHR 18.33)

Elevators shall be provided with the following signaling devices:

  1. In all buildings the elevator shall be provided with the following:

    1. An audible signaling device, operable from the emergency stop switch and from a switch marked “ALARM” which are located in or adjacent to each car operating panel. The signaling device shall be located inside the building and audible inside the car and outside the hoistway. One signaling device may be used for a group of elevators.

    2. Means of two-conversation between each elevator and a readily assessable point outside the hoistway (Telephone, intercom, etc.).

    3. If the audible signaling device, or the means of two-way conversation, or both, are normally connected to the building power supply, they shall automatically transfer to a source of stand-by (emergency) power within 10 seconds after the normal power supply fails. The power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of the audible signaling device for at least 1 hr. and the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hr.

  2. In buildings in which a building attendant, building employee or watchman is not continuously available to take action when the required emergency signal is operated, the elevators shall be provided with one of the following emergency signaling devices:

    1. A telephone connected to a central exchange system.

    2. A weatherproof signaling device with a minimum sound rating of 80 db operated from the alarm switch and the emergency stop switch inside the car and identified “ELEVATOR EMERGENCY – CALL POLICE”, in letters not less than 2 in. high. The device shall be mounted on the outside of the building near the main entrance and located so that the sign can be read from the entrance sidewalk. Only one outside signal is required if operable from all cars of the type specified within the building.

A stand-by (emergency) power system shall be provided conforming to the requirements of Rule 211.1(a).

  1. Means within the car for communicating with or signaling to an approved emergency service which operates 24 hours each day.

March 1994, ASME A17.1, 211.1 (1990), Car Emergency Signaling Devices

Elevators shall be provided with the following signaling devices:

  1. In all buildings the elevator shall be provided with the following:

    1. An audible signaling device, operable from the emergency stop switch and from a switch marked “ALARM” which are located in or adjacent to each car operating panel. The signaling device shall be located inside the building and audible inside the car and outside the hoistway. One signaling device may be used for a group of elevators.

    2. Means of two-conversation between each elevator and a readily assessable point outside the hoistway (Telephone, intercom, etc.).

    3. If the audible signaling device, or the means of two-way conversation, or both, are normally connected to the building power supply, they shall automatically transfer to a source of stand-by (emergency) power within 10 seconds after the normal power supply fails. The power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of the audible signaling device for at least 1 hr. and the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hr.

  2. In buildings in which a building attendant, building employee or watchman is not continuously available to take action when the required emergency signal is operated, the elevators shall be provided with one of the following emergency signaling devices:

    1. A telephone connected to a central exchange system.

    2. A weatherproof signaling device with a minimum sound rating of 80 db operated from the alarm switch and the emergency stop switch inside the car and identified “ELEVATOR EMERGENCY – CALL POLICE”, in letters not less than 2 in. high. The device shall be mounted on the outside of the building near the main entrance and located so that the sign can be read from the entrance sidewalk. Only one outside signal is required if operable from all cars of the type specified within the building.

An emergency power system shall be provided conforming to the requirements of Rule 211.1(a).

  1. Means within the car for communicating with or signaling to an approved emergency service which operates 24 hours each day.

Comm 18.31(1) This is a department rule in addition to the requirements of A17.1, 211.1(b): Emergency two- way communication systems within cars shall comply with ch. Comm 69, ADAAG 4.10.14.

November 1999, ASME A17.1, 211.1 (1996), Car Emergency Signaling Devices (no changes to these requirements in Comm 18)

Elevators shall be provided with the following signaling devices:

  1. In all buildings the elevator shall be provided with the following:

    1. An audible signaling device, operable from the emergency stop switch, where required by Rule 210.2(e), and from a switch marked “ALARM” which are located in or adjacent to each car operating panel. The switch marked “ALARM” shall illuminate when activated. The signaling device shall be located inside the building and audible inside the car and outside the hoistway. One signaling device may be used for a group of elevators.

The audible signal device shall:

  1. have a rated sound pressure rating of not less than 80 dBA at 10 ft.;

  2. respond without delay after the switch has been activated;

  3. be located inside the building and be audible outside the hoistway;

  4. for elevators with a travel greater than 100 ft, be duplicated as follows:

    1. one device shall be mounted on the car, and;

    2. a second device shall be placed on the designated level;

  5. One signaling device may be used for a group of elevators.

  6. Means of two-conversation between the car and a readily assessable point outside the hoistway which is available to emergency personnel (telephone, intercom, etc.). The means to activate the two-way conversation system does not have to be provided in the car.

  7. If the audible signaling device(s), or the means of two-way conversation, or both, are normally connected to the building power supply, they shall automatically transfer to a source of stand-by or emergency power as required by the applicable building code or, where applicable, Standard for Health Care Facilities (ANSI/NFPA-99) after the normal power supply fails. The power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of the audible signaling device and illumination of the alarm switch for at least 1 hr. and the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hr.

  1. In buildings in which a building attendant, building employee or watchman is not continuously available to take action when the required emergency signal is operated, the elevators shall be provided with a means within the car for communicating with or signaling to a service which is capable of taking appropriate action when a building attendant is not available

An emergency power system shall be provided conforming to the requirements of Rule 211.1(a)(3).

March 2004, ASME A17.1, 2.27.1 (2000), Car Emergency Signaling Devices (no changes to these requirements in Comm 18)

  1. Each elevator shall conform to through

    1. An audible signaling device shall be provided. It shall be operable from the emergency stop switch, where required by, and from a switch identified as “ALARM” which shall be provided in or adjacent to each car operating panel. The switch marked “ALARM” or visual identification shall illuminate when the “ALARM” switch is activated. One audible signaling device shall be permitted to be used for a group of elevators.

The audible signal device shall:

  1. have a rated sound pressure rating of not less than 80 dBA and no more than 90 dBA at 10 ft.;

  2. respond without delay after the switch has been activated;

  3. be located inside the building and be audible inside the car and outside the hoistway; and:

  4. for elevators with a travel greater than 100 ft, be duplicated as follows:

    1. one device shall be mounted on the car, and;

    2. a second device shall be placed at the designated level;

  5. Where the elevator travel is 60 ft. or more, a means of two-conversation (telephone, intercom, etc.) shall be provided between the car and a readily assessable point outside the hoistway, within the building, that is available to emergency personnel. The means to activate the two-way conversation system shall not be required to be provided in the car.

  6. The audible signaling device(s) and the means of two-way conversation, when provided, shall remain operable during a failure of the normal building power supply. The power source shall be capable of providing for the operation of

  1. the audible signaling device and illumination of the alarm switch and visual identification for at least 1 hr.;and

  2. the means of two-way conversation for at least 4 hr. In buildings where authorized personnel are not continuously available, the elevators shall be provided with a means within the car for communicating with or signaling to authorized personnel responsible for taking appropriate action.

The signaling and communication means shall conform to